New Translators/Editor and a consistent release schedule!

I’d like to welcome






To gravitytranslations.

Release Schedule:

This was the old translations progress and now with so many editors/translators, the pace at which Zhan Long is translated should be able to be stabilized.

46 thoughts on “New Translators/Editor and a consistent release schedule!

  1. Strange….. if it were a manhua I’d understand that editing is the longer process, but unless the translations are close to a madmans ravings they shouldn’t take this long to edit and profread. So why in the world are you the only ppl who tl faster then you do editing a chapter…..???
    Don’t get me wrong my thx and everything for the work you do, I just don’t understand why there’s so many unedited chapters in your queue when it’s by far the easier of the 2????


      • Originally, I thought they would be doing a weekly update kind of thing. In that case, I could come back in 7 years and this story still wouldn’t be translated. However, if it’s a bi-daily kind of thing, it’ll only take about 2 years. They would’ve been stuck with me anyways. If I get impatient, I just read the raws. No point in stressing them out.


        • hahaha.. they’re stuck with Life.. just hope they don’t have problem with life
          word of wisdom: come to term with life, don’t fight him. he’s got an exploding lemon

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Great to have so many translators, would any of them be interested in helping translate Stellar Transformations as well?
    Still 400 chapters to go there as well!
    As long as I get stuff to read I’m happy though! 😃


  3. you dont really need to edit. it will just take longer. just give it to us raw, most of us like it that way. and we can do the editing in the comments. much faster that way 🙂


    • Well, we like to make quality releases, yes we know it takes a while longer. Hope you can survive it.
      We are currently translating a chapter in around a 24 hour period, and afterwords another 24 hour period dedicated for proofreading and editing – thus we release about a chapter every 2 days 🙂


  4. I’m interested in the idea of editing. However, I’m curious as to how the unedited versions look like. Would it be possible to view one to see if its within my ability?


  5. With so many translator and editor, you can share the translation, and do it in paralel. If you make 2 team, one for odd chapters, and one for even chapters, you can do a daily releases. With 4 teams, a 2 chapters a day. 🙂


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